Malachi Physical Copies
Malachi Physical Copies
When souls are tied, it’s never goodbye.
A boy, I was, the day that I met you that summer evening, pulling your belongings out of the truck and into your new home. I knew it was love then.
A whole man, I was, the day that you met me at the altar and agreed to love me until death do us part.
A shell of a man, I’ve become since it did. Unable to move on, move forward, or progress in any way until I discovered that not even death was permanent enough to keep us apart.
A better man, I’m destined to be, knowing that at some capacity you’re still with me. Our love is one that never dies. It moves mountains. It calms seas. It transfers souls and shifts lifetimes knowing that there is no one else in this world made for loving me.
Malachi tugged at my heart strings. This is definitely a story you want to read slowly to digest everything. A transference of souls story if you must. So glad Malachi got what he truly deserves. That forgiveness within himself and finding peace while still walking on this earth.
My heart broke and hurt for him. You could feel his heart and lose. For me losing a love and able to relate to the lose and feel the grief. So much power in your words. Amazing book.
This is my soulmate in written form
Such a beautiful story of the evolution of love and grief.